Candlestick analysis (SECRETS that books won’t teach)

Learn hands on, the psychology behind candlestick pattern trading through Umpteen Chart examples!

Learn how to read Candlestick chart patterns. When to trade on such patterns and when not to trade.

What you’ll learn

  • To understand the language of candle stick patterns.
  • How and why patterns are formed.
  • Reversal patterns and continuation pattern.
  • Examples and explanations through.

Course Content

  • Reversal Patterns –> 1 lecture • 3min.
  • Umbrella Lines –> 2 lectures • 33min.
  • The Engulfing Pattern –> 1 lecture • 13min.
  • Other Reversal Patterns –> 2 lectures • 16min.
  • Stars –> 3 lectures • 17min.
  • More reversal Patterns –> 7 lectures • 1hr 14min.
  • Continuation Patterns –> 2 lectures • 22min.
  • DOJI ( Gravestone doji, dragon fly doji, long legged or rickshaw man doji ) –> 1 lecture • 12min.

Candlestick analysis (SECRETS that books won't teach)


Learn how to read Candlestick chart patterns. When to trade on such patterns and when not to trade.

In this course we are going to study reversal patterns as well continuation pattern.

Moreover we are going to get into the deep psychology of why such patterns form and how to assess the trades we take on it.

Learn from live chart examples. Every pattern will be discussed on a chart, on why it is forming, whether it is a good trade or not. We are going to study the same in different time frames and various market conditions

Looking at Data, news, and numerous indicators can clog your mind as well as your logic. What if there was a simpler way to find good trades. Candlestick patterns act as a great tool to provide an insight into the prices and can work great to predict, forecast its future move.

People make a lot of mistakes when they see patterns. They just press the fire button. But what about the backstory, what about the location at where the pattern is forming? We are going to learn all of this in the course so our learning is faster and mistakes tinier.

Before enrolling students must know the basics of candle formation, the open and the close.

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