
AZ-304 AZ-305 Azure Architect Design Exam Prep 2021

Prove your Azure Architect Design skills to the world. Complete AZ-304 + AZ-305 course. Update as of NOV 2021

V2.3 JUL 2021 – Azure AD Connect Cloud Sync added. Up-to-date with latest changes of the exam.

What you’ll learn

Course Content


V2.3 JUL 2021 – Azure AD Connect Cloud Sync added. Up-to-date with latest changes of the exam.

Complete preparation for the Azure AZ-304 + AZ-305 exam.

FREE UPGRADE: This course has been updated to the latest AZ-304 exam objectives. Also covers the new AZ-305 exam.

COURSE BONUS: Free study guide PDF available for download inside the course.

Microsoft Azure is a skill in high demand in today’s large business marketplace.

This course also goes through the requirements of the Azure AZ-304 exam: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies, section by section.

I’m quite confident that this is the most complete training course targeted specifically at the exam.

While the technology world is full of “buzzwords” and “flavors of the month”, the cloud is a real paradigm shift in the way solutions are designed and architected. There are now so many reasons why you should include Azure cloud technology in the design of your solution that there are almost no reasons why not to do it.

Cost savings is the one that catches the attention of businesses. Some companies are spending millions of dollars per month of their IT infrastructure, and every few years that hardware needs to be repaired and upgraded. Being able to reduce capital investment and essentially rent powerful equipment on demand is quite a lot of upfront savings.

If you add in the scalability, flexibility, and worldwide reach of the cloud and the technology group sees the potential as well. You can truly do more with less.

This course goes through all of the requirements of the Microsoft exam AZ-304: Microsoft Azure Architect Design. Multiple videos are devoted to each sub-objective, and we cover the topic thoroughly.

Most of the courses and content you find online assume you already have expert knowledge of Azure and just tells you what to study, spending only seconds covering entire objectives. I can confidently say this course goes deep on everything you need to know.

If you ARE already an expert at many Azure topics, you can easily skip the sections that you already know and focus on the ones you have not yet had much exposure also. This is the benefit of having the complete course.

Each section has additional web-based resources for you to do further research and expand your knowledge beyond the requirements of the exam.

Enroll today!

Version history

V1.0 Launched Aug 2019

V1.1 OCT 2019 – Updates to audio quality. English closed captions added.

V1.2 DEC 2019 – Review of exam updates. Course updated for the latest requirements.

V2.0 SEP 2020 – AZ-304 updates have started. New and updated videos being added.

V2.1 JAN 2021 – New videos added – JIT access, Azure Policy, Azure Blueprint, Resource Graph, Storage Migration Service.

V2.2 MAY 2021 – Course update with new content – Cost Optimization, Storage Management, Maintainability.


Microsoft, Windows, and Microsoft Azure are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. This course is not certified, accredited, affiliated with, nor endorsed by Microsoft Corporation.


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