
Operating System Crash Course For Beginners – IGNOU Part – 1

Operating System Basics For Beginners

This course is designed for:

What you’ll learn

Course Content


This course is designed for:

The Course prepares especially those mature students who do not have enough time for studies because of their work schedule. The tutorial covers the important topics, concepts and questions asked in the previous few  IGNOU term-end examination papers.


  1. What is an Operating System? ( Example: DOS, Unix, Windows, Macintosh )
  2. Generations of Operating Systems.
  3. Types Of Operating Systems
    1. Multiprogramming Operating System
    2. Multiprocessing System
    3. Networking Operating System
    4. Distributed Operating System
  4. Functions Of Operating Systems
    1. Process Management
    2. Memory Management
    3. File Management
  1. Processes
    1. Process States
    2. Implementation Of Processes
      1. Context Switching
      2. Threads
    3. Process Scheduling
      1. What is a scheduler?
      2. Process Life-Cycle
      3. Types of Schedulers
        1. Long Term Scheduler
        2. Short Term Scheduler
        3. Medium Term Scheduler.
    4. Scheduling Algorithms ( * Solving problems )
      1. Preemptive scheduling
      2. Non–Preemptive scheduling
      3. First Come First Serve (FCFS)
      4. Shortest Job First (SJF)
      5. Round Robin (RR)
      6. Shortest Remaining Time Next (SRTN)
      7. Priority Based Scheduling or Event-Driven (ED) Scheduling
  2. Interprocess Communication and Synchronization
    1. Interprocess Communication
      1. Shared-Memory System
      2. Message-Passing System
    2. Interprocess Synchronization
      1. Critical Sections: The Mutex Solution
        1. Mutexes: Mutual Exclusion
        2. Bakery’s Algorithm
  3. Classical Problems in Concurrent Programming
    1. Producers/Consumers Problem
  4. Locks
  5. DeadLocks
    1. Characterization of a Deadlock
      1. Mutual Exclusion Condition
      2. Hold and Wait Condition
      3. No-Preemptive Condition
      4. Circular Wait Condition
  6. Memory Management
    1. Memory Management Techniques
      1. Overlays
      2. Swapping
    2. Paging
    3. Virtual Memory
      1. What is a virtual memory
      2. Demand Paging
      3. Page Replacement Policies ( * Solve Problems )
        1. First In First Out (FIFO)
        2. Least Recently Used (LRU)
        3. Optimal Algorithm (OPT)
      4. Thrashing
        1. What is thrashing
        2. Ways to avoid thrashing
          1. Working-Set Model
          2. Page-Fault Rate
    4. I/O File management
      1. RAID
    5. Security and Protection
      1. Security Models
        1. Bell and La-padula model