
Smarten Up Your LinkedIn

Present your best self

Social Media seems to change every day. No sooner do you think you have it nailed, a new platform comes along, snazzy features are introduced and everything changes again.

What you’ll learn

Course Content


Social Media seems to change every day. No sooner do you think you have it nailed, a new platform comes along, snazzy features are introduced and everything changes again.

Keeping up to date can be a full time job. Luckily it’s my full time job, and my training can keep you on track

LinkedIn is a powerful sales and marketing tool but few people are using it well.

If you’re not winning business through LinkedIn, then you’re doing it wrong!

This LinkedIn course will take you step by step through seven lessons, building an enticing profile, building your network and sharing valuable content.

It will allow you to present your best, most professional self to the world.


Do I need it?

Your clients are now using social media as a major part of the decision making process and building relationships just as often as in person.

Social selling has replaced the yellow pages and a phone, and a prospective client will be researching you and your company online.

Don’t let your LinkedIn strategy let you down.


What you’ll learn